Friday, March 16, 2012


Its hard to believe half of the semester is over, it seems like just yesterday I was pulling my overly packed bags in my dorm room for the first time. Spring break starts with a weekend trip to Moscow, then to Prague and then to Bratislava. I will have Internet access, but I wont be able to post any pictures until I get back because I'm not bringing my laptop. Well I will post more about that when I get back. he last excursion we went on was to Pavlov's palace, here are some of the pictures.

Notice the bear looking dog in the background

Snow covered usual

more snow

Lovely celling

This painting was taken by the Nazis during WW2, damage can be seen on it in the middle.

Pink Chandelier!

Me with the dinning room display

Ok, well thats all for now, wish me luck on my trip!


  1. Your blog is overwhelming, but really enjoyable! I don't know how you keep track of all of this!

  2. Thank you, yeah theres alot of information, I try to put as much as my trip as I can on here as I can, though it is difficult to remember it all!
