Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prague and Bratislava!

Time to blog about the rest my spring break:

I left from Moscow late Monday morning. It was a pretty strange flight considering we went to Frankfurt for a layover, yet Germany is further away than the Czech Republic. By the time we landed it was midnight so we had to take a taxi to the hostel because all public transportation had shut down. The hostel was very nice, not only was the room great but the hostel also had a lounge and bar! Anyway, here are some of the pictures from the city:

National History Museum

Spot where Jan Palach and Jan Zajic burnt themselves to death in response to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Astrological Clock

View fro Prague Castle, amazing!
Cathedral inside the palace

Charles Bridge

Museum of Communism


After three days myself and my friend Katie took a train to Bratislava, the capitol of Slovakia or as our tour guide called it "the largest village in Slovakia". It is true that it is a small city, but after spending so much time in a huge city like Saint Petersburg I welcomed the change in scenery, not to mention the change in weather. Here are the photos:

First night in Bratislava

Cool fountain on the Euroviea shopping center

Lakeside Lounge Area

UFO Restaurant

Bratislava Castle


Slavin, cemetery for fallen Soviet soldiers

Blue Art Nouveau Church

The US Embassy was designed after the white house!

Old Town

Me with the "working man"

"So you don't like the old time bikes, eh?"

Delicious Slovak restaurant!

View of the city from the tower in old town

Castle on the outskirts of the city

A dragon heater!

The largest wine cellar in central Europe

Beautiful Hillside

Wine tasting!

Beautiful Slovak Pottery

Loved this cafe!

Ok well that just about sums up my spring break, or at least the best way I could in pictures. My next entry will be about the memorial of the siege of Leningrad. This Wednesday I will be going to Finland and Estonia so Il try to get it done before then. In conclusion, I was so glad I got to see these amazing cities, it was an experience Il always treasure and one I'm sure I will remember for the rest of my life.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Well spring break has been over for a week now, but between applying for an internship and catching up with my studies I haven't had anytime to blog so its time to catch up on things.


On March 22nd Friday nigh that we took a night train that took us straight to Moscow, the ride was surprisingly pleasant and I sleep the whole way there.  here are some of the pictures I took on the first day.

Bolshoi Theather

Red building in the Kremlin

Lenins mausoleum

Going inside the mausoleum was pretty strange. First the security was very intense, you have to go through the metal dectors as usual, but afterwards you are met with some very stern guards who check your bag and make you leave an mobile or camera devices behind. There are guards in every room as well once you go inside. Its also very dark in the masouleum which makes it difficult to see where you are going. Eventually you arrive at the room where Lennin is and you in are not allowed to stop in front of the body so you cannot look at it for too long.  However from what I can tell the body looks very well preserved (if it is infact his real body, which is deffinately questionable). Once you leave you see several statues of important Communist figures, the last one is a bust of Stalin whose eyes follow unsual experience, but I would say it was worth doing.

Creepy Stalin Statue (I couldnt take a picture, so I used one from onnline)

Saint Basils Cathedral

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Krushevs resting place


Bear catching hoops



Here is a video of the bear on the motorcycle

Ok well that basically captures Moscow, my next entry will be about my time in Prague and Bratislava.